This group of works are grouped together because they are expressions of microcosms related to the great themes.
Annual auction Three Courtyards House
Color Print, 22 x 28 cm
Annual auction Three Courtyards House
Mixed Media, 33 x 178 x 8 cm. 2017
Multiple: 3 pieces.
Annual auction Three Courtyards House
Mixed media. 6 x 8 x 10 cm. 2016
Dark matter
Annual auction Three Courtyards House
Mixed media. Two pieces, 26 x 34 x 5 cm. 2015
NY 2001, Bagdad 2003
Annual auction Three Courtyards House
Mixed Media Two pieces. 16,5 x 21,5 cm, 2014
50 Condors
The "Central Bank of the Condor", a project of the Venezuelan artist Ricardo Benaím, invites some Colombian artists to participate with proposals for the "50 Condors Bill" about a predetermined matrix. The bills printed were exhibited at the International Art Fair in Caracas, FIAC, 2012.
Color print on pre-print paper, 10 x 21 cm, 2012
Precolumbian piece
The Hispanic Colombian Center of Madrid invites artists and other personalities to present, in a predetermined format, reflections on the Treasury Quimbaya that gave Colombia to Spain in 1892 as a token of gratitude for settling a border dispute with Venezuela, to be exhibited in Spain and Colombia in 2010 called El Dorado.
Technique: Mixed, 28 x 21.5 cm
Annual auction Three Courtyards House
Technique: Mixed, 25 x 25 x 25 cm.
Multiple, 6 copies.
Annual auction Three Courtyards House
Mixed Media, 19 x 19 x 7 cm, 2009
Multiple 6 pieces.
A word that refers to the sky and the landscape but also the cyber space. Digital manipulation trans-cends boundaries and addresses chromatic territories established beyond, perhaps premoni-tory.
Digital print on photographic paper, 23 x 23 cm, 2008.
Eye of God
I thank. An exhibition of contemporary votive by Office Gallery in honor of the artist Juan Camilo Uribe, 2005.
Mixed media: 5 acrylic and acetate modules, 10 x 10 cm, and Digital image print on paper 25 x 40 cm.
The Chamber of Commerce of Medellín and Zeta Silkscreen, are Calling on the beautiful: art border technology, inviting some artists to address technology, this time the graphics, with the thought of the contemporary artist. A window to the stellar universe frames Southern Cross and brings it to the ground so he could look closely, with the help of a space telescope, digital photography and computer manipulation by the large format digital printing.
Digital print on photo paper, 100 x 200 cm, 1999.
The event FAXART, by the Centro Colombo Americano in Medellin, invites an exchange of ideas about the American landscape to be made and sent by Fax. This work offers a look into the sky along the ecliptic path where apparently moving the twelve constellations of the Zodiac, whose dimensions are equated Fax strip and the shadow of night and the stars, black and white ink and paper.
Fax Print, 21 x 280 cm, 1991
Earth, Air, Water
Proposed ecological posters with phrases default on the conservation of natural resources, sponsored by the company Punto Blanco with MAMBO conserva-torship.
Drawing and collage on blueprint, 50 x 70 cm c / u, 1984