From celestial realms, the gaze is turned back again to geographies and urban topias, in search of a counterargument in the earthly domains. Underlying the contemporary metropolis, we can still find corres-pondences with the axes of the universe, in spite of the strokes, traces, faults and erasures of the human territorial inscriptions that avoid our perception of them.
In this proposal the observer is encouraged to think about the contemporary condition of the urban ‘topos’. From the primal topía or sense of belonging to a place, passing through the utopía or not belonging anywhere, we derived heterotopia or multiple ‘mise en scene’ modes of inhabiting. The meaning of heterotopias here addressed, is the one proposed by Michel Foucault, as "the power of juxtaposing in a real place many spaces, many places, which themselves are incompatible". In their divergent coexistence, the contemporary metro-polis survives.
Vuelo, detalle, impresión digital sobre MDF, 62 piezas de 28 x 21 x 3 cm., 2001